Student Volunteer
Niharica Suri Kannan
Niharica Suri Kannan is currently a senior at Huron High School. She grew up in England but moved to America around 4 years ago. Niharica has always enjoyed writing and using her imagination to come up with new ideas. She also loves reading and spends a lot of her spare time with her nose stuck in her book. Another one of Niharica's hobbies is art. She loves painting and making things with her own hands. Niharica enjoys science too—she hopes to major in biochemistry and become a doctor one day so that she can continue helping people.
Overall, Niharica is a very caring and understanding person, who is always trying to help out those around her in any way she can. She’s very generous and is willing to give her everything in all of her tasks. Along with that, Niharica has always been a very inquisitive person, trying to find answers to all the questions she doesn’t know. When she isn’t having fun with her friends, Niharica is spending time with her family because they’re very important to her. Niharica is generally a happy person, ready to face any challenge set before her. Experience with Inno